Calling all Tree Huggers!
Join our dedicated team as we partner with Des Moines Forestry implementing exciting new programs to grow our urban tree canopy as part of the City’s first Climate Action and Adaptation Plan!
Are you passionate about greening our urban environment, especially in residential areas? If so, we have an incredible volunteer opportunity for you! Urban Ambassadors is seeking dedicated team members and a program lead to join us in our efforts to organize urban tree planting initiatives together with the City Foresters of Des Moines. Click the button on the top and fill out our volunteer intake form, indicating your interest to become a Team Member of the Natural Environment focus area.
Besides leading volunteers during these plantings, team members will be assisting with site analysis, updating online tree inventory, organizing other Tiny Tree related programs (Urban Nursery, Tiny Tree Giveaway, etc) and joining Urban Ambassador's optional weekly work sessions.
Through these programs, we strive to lower extreme temperatures in our city, clean its air, mitigate floods, and make it overall more healthy and livable. By volunteering, you'll be part of the City of Des Moines' Climate Action and Adaptation Plan fostering positive change.
Our Tree Planting Initiatives
Tiny Trees Neighborhood
Tiny Trees Neighborhood has been successfully running since 2021 via a partnership between The City of Des Moines and Urban Ambassadors. With the help of a grant from the Microsoft Community Empowerment Fund, smaller seedling trees, which are known to outpace similar, larger trees within a few years, are being planted around Des Moines. At least 14,000 vacant street tree sites are being filled this way, allowing the City’s Forestry Division to fill in holes in our urban forest much more quickly.
Residents can request tiny trees for the right-of-way of their neighborhood that will be planted and equipped with solid protection by the City crew and local volunteers organized by Urban Ambassadors. Citizens can take part in the process of planting as well as aftercare, by watering with half a gallon of water 1 to 2 times a week during the summer.
Who wouldn't love increasing the urban tree canopy, reducing urban heat in the summer months, sequestering carbon dioxide, and improving air quality and greenery for residents? If you are interested in participating, sign up here.
The Tiny Tree Giveaway began in 2017 thanks to a partnership between the City of Des Moines and Urban Ambassadors. Since then, the program has provided tens of thousands of free trees to Des Moines residents for planting on private property and to help grow the urban canopy cover. These smaller seedling trees, which are known to outpace similar, larger trees within a few years, will provide many benefits to residents including lower heating and cooling costs, increased stormwater retention, increased property values and use of the outdoors.
Each spring, Des Moines residents are able to request up to five free individual trees and choose from a list of available species. Pick up days and locations are communicated beforehand, while an online video guide and the Public Works 24-hr Call Center (515-283-4950) provides additional guidance.
With this free program, it is easier than ever for citizens to increase the urban tree canopy by planting trees on their own property! To order your own tiny trees, please sign up here early in the year.
Tiny Tree Giveaway
Urban Nursery
What is an urban nursery? The City of Des Moines, in partnership with Urban Ambassadors, has been successfully running this initiative for years by supplying citizens with a plating kit including one (or more) tiny tree, a pot, soil and protection. With this kit, residents are equipped to start their own nursery in the backyard! They help grow the tree(s) for one to two years, after which the urban forestry crew will relocate them onto City property.
Using smaller seedling trees, which are known to outpace similar, larger trees within a few years, we are planning to fill in some of the 14,000 vacant street tree sites we have in the City of Des Moines. This allows us to fill in holes in the urban forest much more quickly. The initiative drives a large neighborhood planting with community involvement! If you are interested in participating, please register here.