Urban Ambassadors selected for #DSMhack, then something incredible happened

Urban Ambassadors was selected for the inaugural DSM Charity Hack, and from Thursday to Saturday, a team of developers put in long hours to develop new tools to promote your projects and events to the UA community.  

It was about an hour before the end of the event that the developer team sent this message to the UA Board of Directors:

You asked us for two major deliverables: (1) A way for users to submit and manage a community project landing page, interact with the community, and reach out to UA for help. (2) A way for users to submit events to UA calendars. We’re pleased to tell you that we did both!

Needless to say, we were totally thrilled.  Here's the final presentation on their work from our Facebook page:

Our team was awesome, and we extend our gratitude to Tom, Hannah, T.J., Brandon, TrentChad and Rob for their outstanding work.  We're working with the team to get their work in your hands as soon as we can.