UA members check out CISS' raised beds during a meet-up August 12.
This month, Urban Ambassadors had a special opportunity to tour a new "Growing Dome" at Central Iowa Shelter & Services. CISS Staff member AJ Olson led UA visitors through the 33-foot-wide wide by 15.5-feet-tall dome that will allow the shelter to produce food year-round in its back-yard space.
Funded in large part by DuPont Pioneer, the dome complements CISS's existing raised beds and will serve as a way for the shelter to teach its residents new gardening and food handling and preparation skills. At the same time, Olson said the project has been a great way to engage his client base, many of whom took a great interest in the dome's construction.
Olson said many clients have gardening skills they've picked up through their lives and it's exciting to share that passion with others. The shelter is considering ways to expand its programs involving food production, up to someday operating a food cart in town.c
To learn more about the Growing Dome project, check out this story from Iowa Public Radio. For more information about the shelter, visit